
Engineering geophysics

Engineering geophysics comprises of spatial studies of the Earth’s surface and subsurface. The geophysical signal is measured, processed and analysed in order to detect anomalies in the subsurface and to define the composition and physical properties of rocks, layers, etc. This information is essential in engineering planning, calculations and design of infrastructural, energy and environmental projects.  

Applied engineering geophysical survey team from Geoinženiring is the leading group in this professional field in Slovenia. In past 60 years, the group has successfully completed numerous commercial and research projects in various domains such as geology, construction engineering, mineral and energy exploration, protection of the environment, seismology, archaeology etc. The long tradition in geophysical surveys enabled us to establish an extensive repository of relevant geophysical data and spatial geophysical studies.

Our recent activities are aimed at:

  • assessment of geological structure and lithology: for geological site characterization, including assessment of tectonic features, underground caverns/objects and karstic features;
  • assessment of hydrogeological parameters such as the extent and quality of aquifers, caprock integrity, assessment of optimal sites for groundwater supply and geothermal studies;
  • assessment of quantitative parameters of the subsurface in geotechnical design for infrastructure (roads, railways, underground excavations, water supply and energy supply and transfer) including assessment of foundation conditions and efficiency of soil remediation;  
  • seismology: earthquake resistant construction according to Eurocode 8, the risk of soil liquefaction, seismic monitoring of large dams;
  • environmental protection and geohazard: site characterization for waste deposits and nuclear waste repositories, environmental impact assessment studies, mitigation of flood risk and landslides;
  • mineral resources: prospection, quantitative parameters for reserves estimation, rock rippability in quarries and underground excavations; 
  • geo energy: geological storage of energy, geological storage of CO2 (capacity estimation according to European methodology, site characterisation and monitoring) including integrated design of CCS technologies;
  • specific applications in archaeology, geodesy, cultural and natural heritage as well as gravity, magnetic and elastic physical properties of rocks and materials;

georadar investigations in stone
geoelectric tomography between drills
seismic investigations in drill


We continue to cooperate with the most distinguished enterprises, agencies, institutes, universities and research institutions in Slovenia and beyond. Our expertise and know-how are recognised among professionals and researchers in geosciences, both nationally and internationally. Our in-house staff regularly cooperates with reliable external experts.

Applied geophysical surveys

As a rule, geophysical surveys are non-destructive, meaning their application has no harming effects to environment neither to the initial state of the environment. They are cost-competitive, can optimise drilling works, can significantly improve spatial planning and can help in environmental risk management. The geophysical survey can be performed on specific locations/points, in lines (profiles) or in confined areas. In some cases, repetition of geophysical investigation in time may apply (i.e. monitoring).

Engineering geophysical team at Geoinženiring accomplishes geophysical surveys:

  • on the ground surface,
  • under the surface (in galleries, tunnels, caves…),
  • in one borehole or between several boreholes,
  • between the boreholes and the surface.

We use state-of-the-art equipment and software for the implementation of the following methods and techniques:

Geoelectrical methods:
  • vertical electrical sounding
  • electrical resistivity tomography (2D, 3D)
  • self-potential method
  • induced polarisation
  • electrical resistivity investigations in boreholes
  • electrical resistivity investigations between the boreholes and the surface

Seismic methods:
  • seismic refraction profiling
  • seismic refraction tomography (2D, 3D) 
  • multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW)
  • seismic surveys in boreholes (down-hole, cross-hole)
  • seismic tomography between the boreholes and the surface

Electromagnetic methods:
  • ground penetrating radar (2D, 3D)

seismographic measurments
tomography measurments 2

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